I used to attach a safety pin to a piece of elastic or ribbon to thread it through the casing of my project. That is until I came across a Bodkin.
A Bodkin lets you thread elastic, ribbon and drawstrings quickly and easily without twisting. Simply clamp the bodkin over the elastic, slide the ring down to lock into place and thread through casing. The Ezy-Pull Bodkin (pictured to the left) has special teeth that grip securely and are held tight with a sliding ring.
This is so much better than using a safety pin. No worrying that the safety pin might open while in the casing (had that happen several times over the years). No worrying that you will pull so hard, the safety pin shreds right through the ribbon and you have to start over (yes, had that happen too). No worrying that the safety pin will find an area where the casing was just a tad narrower than it should have been, and the safety pin simply refuses to squeeze threw (yup, did that a few times!).
Bodkin...odd name, but a great gadget to keep in your sewing box.
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