Saturday, July 25, 2009

Corn Bags

Whip up a bunch of corn bags for your next craft fair. You can easily sew up 4 dozen in one day if you've pre-gathered all your materials. The cost of materials for 4 dozen corn bags should be around $75. If you sell them for $8.00 each your profit after deducting your expenses would be over $300. Use novelty cotton fabric and/or cotton flannel for some real fun corn bags.

You can make as many covers as you have time and material to complete for a craft fair. Don't worry about making and filling the corn bag inserts for every cover. Bring a bunch of corn bags without covers on them, let the customers pick their cover and insert a fresh corn bag. I

f you have electricity to your booth bring a small microwave. Keep a couple of small corn bags warm so that customers can ohhh and ahhh over them. In the summer, freeze a dozen or so bags overnight. Bring them in a cooler to the craft fair and put one or two on the table at a time. People will flock to your booth for the cooling sensation of these bags.

Click here to view full project detials


  1. Hello! I'm following you from MBC! Feel free to check me out at

  2. I love this idea. We have been looking for some projects to do for our dog rescue group. We could all get together one day and make a bunch of these. Thank you for the ideas.

  3. Hello! You have a very helpful post. The corn bags are really cute. You really have a wonderful idea. I'm looking forward for your next post. The corn bag idea is really fantastic. You are brilliant. Thanks.:)

  4. Hi! I'm visiting from MBC. Great blog.

  5. thanx for the clear instructions, nice project!

  6. Very interesting! I love the Spongebob!!! That is great. :)

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